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Bottega, an underrated gem?

Hey lovelies! 🌸 Today, there is something I absolutely need to get off of my chest. Forgive me if I ramble on at times but this has been bothering me for a good bit of time and I just felt that I needed to rant. So here I am!

So hang tight, let’s begin!

We are in an age where most fashion houses and brands have decided that the way forward is through explicit imagery; plastering symbols of their brand or name all over their items is commonplace. Beyond craftsmanship, people desire pieces that have popular brand association. In fact, you would be hard-pressed to find people on the streets carrying a luxury bag without visible symbols or logos on the piece.

However, there is one outlier which I have been in love with for a long, long time: Bottega Veneta.

It’s no secret that I am a fan of Bottega, having followed the Italian brand for almost 2 decades. I still remember seeing their pieces in the 2000s, marveling at how different they were from the competition and soon fell in love with their special woven style pieces.

That’s why, today, I'm taking you on a (short) magical journey through the history of a brand that's arguably one of the most underrated brands – Bottega Veneta. Get ready to be dazzled!

🎨 The Birth of an Iconic Brand

Our story begins in 1966, in the heart of Italy, where Bottega Veneta was born. The name, which translates to "Venetian Workshop," already hints at the brand's deep roots in artisanal craftsmanship. Its unique leather weaving style , "The Intrecciato", soon became the hallmark of the brand and formed the basis for many of its iconic pieces.

🧵 The Intrecciato Technique

Imagine the softest leather being woven like a work of art. That's the iconic Intrecciato technique. It involves intertwining strips of leather to create a unique woven pattern, resulting in intricately hand woven leather patterns that make every Bottega Veneta piece a masterpiece. This led to Bottega’s pieces immediately becoming recognizable, serving as a strong associative symbol beyond its name and logo.

The ‘Intrecciato’ technique and its historic guiding philosophy: ‘When your own initials are enough.’ formed the foundations of the design and marketing strategy that Bottega has adopted since forever. Bottega designs are often characterized by their timeless, minimalist aesthetic . They focus on clean lines, understated elegance, and a lack of conspicuous logos, which appeals to those who appreciate subtle luxury. Over the years, these philosophies are still very strongly alive in the various lines and pieces Bottega has produced.

Case in point, "The Pouch" – a clutch that refuses to shout its presence but still commands attention. At first glance, the pouch is unassuming, with no brands or logos on its body. Yet, upon closer inspection, the leather, softness and smoothness of the pouch betrays its humble appearance. That there is the beauty of the piece; its soft, unassuming body seamlessly fitting into many looks and situations. It does not demand attention, but it elevates its holder; letting your personal style shine.🌟

All credits belong to Bottega Veneta, Intrecciato pouch photo retrieved from

🚀 Reinvention under New Leadership

Fashion's ever-evolving, and so is Bottega Veneta. After appointing Daniel Lee as creative director, Bottega saw the launch of “The Pouch”, which became the fastest selling bag in the illustrious history of the brand. He refocused the brand’s direction back into what brought it into the upper echelon of fashion in the first place: well-crafted, logo-less and minimalist, simplicity driven pieces.

The brand experienced a second wind – blending its rich history with a contemporary twist and blurring the lines of corporate, luxury and fashion. Many of its current season pieces have a firm, proper almost regal feel to them. Yet there is always something within the piece that gives it a small flair. It's a thrilling time for women who adore timeless style with a touch of the modern edge.

In 2021, Bottega also shut off its social media accounts, leaving influencers, consumers and lovers of all things Bottega to serve as mouthpieces for Bottega, spreading the company news; a totally unheard of method of advertisement. Even now, Bottega maintains its minimal advertising and marketing efforts compared to some other luxury labels, resulting in less visibility in the media. This reinforces their desire to stick to their minimalist roots, which again is kinda ironic considering the industry Bottega is operating in.


However, this is also the reason why Bottega is not as ubiquitous as some other luxury brands. People want to be associated with luxury brands, as it confers status or at least the perception of it. Many brands have shifted to more overt and explicit styles, embellishing their pieces with their logo or name everywhere. Some brands have even taken it so far as to make their pieces almost like walking advertisements. And people love it. People lap it up. It's absolutely brilliant that brands are able to create such a strong identity almost to the point where people desire them because they are able to effectively confer prestige, “class” and suggestions of social status to the holder. Everyone is guilty of buying a few pieces just because of that purpose (or at least I know I am).

However, the thing is I find such pieces too loud. More often than not, I feel almost like a walking billboard; a poster girl if you will.

This is why I love that Bottega’s pieces are always so minimalist and functional. The pieces are like empty slates; allowing me to provide my own touch to my outfit without overcrowding my personality. They make expressing my style and personality so easy and pairing them with my outfits so seamless.

Call me a contrarian, but I also find that Bottega’s lack of presence in the social media space refreshing. This also layers on an element of exclusivity and uniqueness to the brand. I often have friends come up to me and ask about my bag because they’ve never seen it before. Which gal doesn't like to feel like their choices are validated??? I may also be guilty of converting a few more followers to the church of Bottega in the process hehe. Bottega truly gives off the “iykyk” feeling and i’m absolutely loving it.

Of course, It's essential to understand that the perception of being underrated or under the radar is often subjective and depends on individual tastes and preferences. For me at least, Bottega Veneta's unique blend of craftsmanship, innovation, and minimalism, has undoubtedly gotten me sold.

My verdict is in, and Bottega is an underrated gem for sure. Bottega Veneta's luxurious feel, exceptional craftsmanship and unique designs and narratives, definitely makes them a fantastic addition to any fashion collection.

Rant over.

Cher out!

Til' next time lovelies!

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